“Panda Pharmacy Medicine Bag” designed with pandas which are popular among men and women of all ages
老若男女に人気 パンダがデザインされた「パンダ薬局薬袋」
“ Panda Pharmacy Medicine Bag ” designed with pandas which are popular among men and women of all ages
As the name says, “Panda Pharmacy” in Aichi Prefecture is a dispensing pharmacy with pandas dreew on medicine notebook, and medicine bag.
薬袋もパンダ薬局オリジナルのもので、薬袋にパンダの目・鼻・口・耳が描かれた可愛らしいもの。手に取った人がほっこりした気持ちになれる、火筆画家 きらあかりさんのデザインです。薬を飲むのが苦手な子供にも、薬に興味をもってもらうきっかけになるかもしれません。
The medicine bag is also original from the panda pharmacy, and They are cute bacause of ther eyes, nose, mouth, and ears drawn on the medicine bag. This medicine bag was designed by Akari Kira, a pyrographer, to give people a warm feeling when people carry. It may be an opportunity for children who are not good at taking medicines to become interested in medicine.
お問い合わせ: パンダ薬局 Contact:Panda Pharmacy
URL : http://panda-ph.jp/selling/
*Please contact us by e-mail as it may be open for business.